Managing requests

This guide will teach you how to manage all types of requests

Requests are a way of communication between whoever is requesting the change and the connection moderators/owner. There currently are two types of requests, nickname changes, and channel connection requests.

Channel connection requests

Channel connection requests are only sent if the Privacy setting is set to request

These requests are sent whenever someone tries to connect to your connection. They will appear as a C request in /manage requests. If the user who is trying to connect a channel has the MANAGE_CHANNELS connection permission, the channel will connect directly without passing by requests.

Channel nickname edit requests

Channel nickname edit requests are only sent if the ChangeNickname setting is set to request

These requests are sent whenever someone tries to perform /setnick on a channel. They will appear as an N request in /manage requests. If the user who is trying to edit the nickname has the MANAGE_NICKNAMES connection permission, the nickname will be updated directly without passing by requests.

Managing requests

Make sure you selected the right connection using /select before proceeding

Connection owners/moderators can manage requests with the /manage requests command.

The user will be presented with 3 buttons as well as a request selection menu.

Accepting/Rejecting requests

Select the appropriate request using the select menu. Its information will appear in the embed.

Press the Accept button to accept the request and approve the action Press the Reject button to deny and delete the request

Clearing all requests

To clear all requests, press the CLEAR ALL button. You will be asked for confirmation, press the Confirm button to confirm the clearing. If you change your mind, press Cancel.

Last updated